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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Central Virginia, USA

    Default Planner and Plan Capture problems

    I'm trying to set up Planner and Plan Capture on a Win10 PC (64-bits), and ran into several problems:

    1. Upon launch, Planner displays the tip, but I can't uncheck the box that forces it to appear each time. If I click the box, nothing happens -- the check mark never disappears.

    2. In Planner Tools->Preferences, the Local Time at Observatory check box (and caption) is disabled and unchecked, and the UTC offset field is disabled and set to 0, so I can't enter my time offset. Screen shot attached.

    3. When I launch Plan Capture, it launches SkyX, but i get a warning saying I'm running the 32-bit SkyX, and it's being phased out. Plan Capture seems to be looking in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Bisque\TheSkyX Professional Edition" instead of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Bisque\TheSkyX Professional Edition\TheSky64." How can I make it launch the 64-bit SkyX?

    4. With the TheSky Quick Capture dialog open, clicking the Capture FOVI Coordinates button captures those coordinates, but does not send them to Planner. In the past, capturing the FOVI in SkyX launched Planner (if not already running), and loaded the coordinates there, ready for me to edit and save as a plan.

    Does anyone know what's going on, and how I can get things back to "normal?"


    --- Mike
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