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  1. #1

    Default How can I tell how long the Scheduler thinks a programmed run is going to take?

    For example, if I set up a MUST RUN AFTER time, and I have told the Scheduler to do 200 images at 90 seconds.....where can I see what the Scheduler estimates the total footprint of time that will be allocated for this run, with it assuming the observatory parameters in the Scheduler Config file section 3 that I have set up for my observatory? Simple math says 200 at 90 seconds is 300 mins. BUT, what buffer does Scheduler add for all the other tasks necessary to complete the run?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Excellent question!! There are some "overhead" times that the scheduler uses to make the calculation:

    For you, set Rotator speed, Guider Startup, and German Flip times to 0. "Go long" on the others to prevent time slot overruns. It's better for these times to be conservative (overestimated) since it will just cause the scheduler to be a bit less efficient. Too short will cause overruns and late starts (or missed fixed time slots).

    In practice, do these critical runs in isolation as part of the final adjustments to the scheduler. Look at the Scheduler Engine log and ACP run logs to see if the estimates are conservative enough. To save time during installation, just go long on these and see later if it's ridiculous or not.
    -- Bob



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