This topic came up in 2019. I haven't been able to find the resolution. PWI4 is used to control all current PlaneWave L-mounts. I've been using ACP / Scheduler to for scheduling and some shutdown operations. ShutdownObs.js does successfully park the mount so ACP thinks that it is connected and the "Parking scope" command does work. The "Disconnecting Scope" line does not disconnect the mount. PlaneWave offers no explanation of the ASCOM commands in PWI4. Six ASCOM commands are needed - Connect (Disconnect), Enable RA (Disable RA) and Enable Dec (Disable Dec). At my SRO based system I like to power off the mount each morning so the boxer fans do not accumulate dust during the day. It is possible to just brute force the power off with a command to the DLI switch but that throws off PWI4 comm errors and is pretty ugly. Any suggestions?

From ShutdownObs.js

if(Telescope.Connected) { Console.PrintLine("Parking scope");
Telescope.Park(); // Park the scope if possible, and/or close/park dome
if(Telescope.Connected) {
Console.PrintLine("Disconnecting Scope");
Telescope.Connected = false;
