I have been meaning to send this for a while, but never got around to it.
In my case, most often, for a particular filter, I usually use the same parameters (sub length, total duration, moon avoid etc.). In addition, for my rig, I usually set certain parameters to be the same (dithering etc.).
When submitting through the web, I was using Astroimaging series. But you have to enter each filter by itself and set all the parameters. And this got tiring. So I wrote a new server side asp and a new client side tiddler to batch submit a target.
Could be useful for you as well.
Attached is asentiretarget.asp. Put this in "ACP Web Data" --> "Doc Root" --> "ac"
Make sure to edit it for the hardcoded parameters.
And then create this new tiddler:
<<slider "" "Schedule Astro-Imaging Help" Help "Helpful information">>
<form name="scast_form" id="scast_form">
<h2 id="SAstSect1" title="Click to toggle section visibility">1. Object and Coordinates</h2>
<div id="SAstSlide1">
<table class="noBorder" style="border:0;margin-left:0">
<td>Target Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="Target" id="SAstTarget" size="14" value="" validate="required">
<input type="hidden" name="visOnly" id="sAstVisOnly" value="false">
<input type="text" name="isOrb" id="SAstIsOrb">
</td> <!-- persists for body type, must be text -->
<a id="sast_getCoords" href="javascript:;"
// Trigger event from a change in the isOrb field which DC3.CatSearch fills in
(function(msg) { $('#SAstIsOrb').trigger(jQuery.Event('change')) }));"
title="Look up coordinates or calculate planetary ephemeris"> Get Coordinates or Ephemeris</a>
<a id="sast_getTheSky" style="display:none;" href="javascript:;" onClick="DC3.TheSky.fillFormInfo(DC3.Lib.getPlace(this));"
title="Fill in the coordinates from the current target in TheSky"> Get Coordinates From TheSky</a>
<td>Right Asc. (hrs):</td>
<td><input type="text" name="RA" id="SAstRA" size="12" value="" validate="sexanum[0:24],required"></td>
<td><a id="sast_catSearch" href="javascript:;" onClick="story.displayTiddler(this,'Deep Sky Catalog Search',null,config.options.chkAnimate,false)"
title="Open the Deep Sky Catalog Search Item"> Deep Sky Catalog Search</a></td>
<td>Declination (deg):</td>
<td><input type="text" name="Dec" id="SAstDec" size="12" value="" validate="sexanum[-90:90],required"></td>
<td> <i>(coordinates in J2000)</i></td>
<tr id="SAstOrbTrackRow">
<td>Orbital Tracking:</td>
<td colspan=><input type="checkbox" name="orbTrack" id="SAstOrbTrack" value="yes"></td>
<td> <i>(follow body, if mount supports it)</i></td>
<td><textarea name="Description" id="SAstDescription" rows="3" cols="30" ></textarea></td>
<td> <i>Enter an optional description that becomes part of the project</i></td>
<td>Project Priority:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="Priority" id="SAstPriority" size="12" value="1.0" validate="required"></td>
<td> <i>Enter an optional priority between 1 and 10. Be mindful of changing this needlessly</td>
<h2 id="SAstSect2" title="Click to toggle section visibility">2. Filters</h2>
<div id="SAstSlide2">
<b>Bin 1</b><input type="checkbox" name="SeriesBin1" id="SAstSeriesBin1" size="0" value="no"><i><b>* Remember, if you change this you will also need to change the camera read mode to Photographic DSO. Current and best suited camera mode is HGC in bin 2</b></i>
<table class="noBorder" style="border:0;margin-left:0">
<td><input type="checkbox" name="SII" id="SAstSII" size="0" value="yes">SII <input type="text" name="SIIHrs" id="SAstSIIHrs" size="3" value="15" validate="required">hrs@<input type="text" name="SIISubs" id="SAstSIISubs" size="4" value="1200" validate="required">secs</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="Ha" id="SAstHa" size="0" value="yes">Ha <input type="text" name="HaHrs" id="SAstHaHrs" size="3" value="15" validate="required">hrs@<input type="text" name="HaSubs" id="SAstHaSubs" size="4" value="1200" validate="required">secs</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="OIII" id="SAstOIII" size="0" value="yes">OIII <input type="text" name="OIIIHrs" id="SAstOIIIHrs" size="3" value="15" validate="required">hrs@<input type="text" name="OIIISubs" id="SAstOIIISubs" size="4" value="1200" validate="required">secs</td>
<td width="25%"><input type="checkbox" name="Lum" id="SAstLum" size="0" value="yes">Lum <input type="text" name="LumHrs" id="SAstLumHrs" size="3" value="6" validate="required">hrs@<input type="text" name="LumSubs" id="SAstLumSubs" size="4" value="180" validate="required">secs</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="Red" id="SAstR" size="0" value="yes">Red <input type="text" name="RedHrs" id="SAstRedHrs" size="3" value="3" validate="required">hrs@<input type="text" name="RedSubs" id="SAstRedSubs" size="4" value="600" validate="required">secs</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="Green" id="SAstG" size="0" value="yes">Green <input type="text" name="GreenHrs" id="SAstGreenHrs" size="3" value="3" validate="required">hrs@<input type="text" name="GreenSubs" id="SAstGreenSubs" size="4" value="600" validate="required">secs</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="Blue" id="SAstB" size="0" value="yes">Blue <input type="text" name="BlueHrs" id="SAstBlueHrs" size="3" value="3" validate="required">hrs@<input type="text" name="BlueSubs" id="SAstBlueSubs" size="4" value="600" validate="required">secs</td>
<<PersistentForm>><<PostForm "" "/ac/asentiretarget.asp" "Submit Request" "Sends this request to the scheduler">><<ValidateForm "" "postit">><script>
// DC3.TheSky.setTargetInfo() and DC3.TheSky.switchLink() depend on the link IDs!
if(DC3.TheSky.theSkyInfoAvailable()) DC3.TheSky.switchLink("sast");
var e = { target: null }; // Used for constructed eventArgs
$('#SAstIsOrb').change(function() {
if($('#SAstIsOrb').val() == 'orb') {
$('#SAstRA').fadeTo('slow', 0.2);
$('#SAstRA').prop('disabled', true);
$('#SAstDec').fadeTo('slow', 0.2);
$('#SAstDec').prop('disabled', true);
} else {
$('#SAstRA').fadeTo('slow', 1.0);
$('#SAstRA').prop('disabled', false);
$('#SAstDec').fadeTo('slow', 1.0);
$('#SAstDec').prop('disabled', false);
$('#SAstOrbTrack').prop('checked', false); // for persisted forms
e = { target: null };
e.target = $('#SAstOrbTrack')[0];
$('#SAstSect1').click(function () {
$('#SAstSect2').click(function () {
// These run when the form is first opened in the item/tiddler. Must initialize
// all of the interlocking dynamic elements in the sections that load open (1 & 2)
Now you can submit entire targets with all filters in one shot, with pre-burnt parameters. Hope that helps.