A few nights ago, near the end of an all-night observing run, I found a “Hardware or Driver Error” had interrupted the run. I have an MX mount using TheSkyX for telescope control. What I find interesting is TheSkyX had actually closed (crashed?) which I’ve never seen before. One negative consequence was the telescope was still tracking which could have caused a pier crash if the event had occurred before meridian flip. A snippet from the log is shown below.
11:06:01 === Starting target repeat 315 of 999 ===
11:06:02 Selecting sR filter (6) for imaging
11:06:04 [flip check: Tn=60s HAc=15882s GW=T HAz=15943s DWz=T WF=no]
11:06:04 === Place in plan ===
11:06:04 Set 1 of 1
11:06:04 Target is "NSVS7330183" (1 of 1)
11:06:04 Repeat 315 of 999 for this target
11:06:04 Filter sR (1 of 1)
11:06:04 Image 1 of 1 for this filter
11:06:04 Imaging to NSVS7330183-sR-S001-R315-C001-B1-W
11:06:04 (taking 60 sec. exposure, sR filter, binning = 1)
11:06:04 (using Raw readout mode)
11:06:04 (starting [RBI] + exposure)
11:07:00 [Source: ASCOM.SoftwareBisque.Telescope]
11:07:00 [Slewing]
11:07:00 [This is not an ACP problem]
11:07:00 **Script Error**
11:07:02 Source: ACP Observatory Control Software
11:07:02 Message: The script was interrupted before completion.
11:07:02 Location: line 1879 column 25.
This event occurred again last night but this time I was awake and monitoring the run. The same thing happened, a script error was reported by ACP, the TheSkyX closed, and the telescope continued to track. A snippet from the log shown below gives some additional info compared to the first event. Since this was another all-night run (serial photometry) and the telescope had not yet crossed the meridian yet, I decided against a restart fearing another unattended event might cause a pier crash and damage hardware.
04:07:33 === Starting target repeat 12 of 999 ===
04:07:34 Selecting sI filter (7) for imaging
04:07:35 [flip check: Tn=60s HAc=-8585s GW=F HAz=-8525s DWz=F WF=no]
04:07:35 === Place in plan ===
04:07:35 Set 1 of 1
04:07:35 Target is "NSVS7330183" (1 of 1)
04:07:35 Repeat 12 of 999 for this target
04:07:35 Filter sI (1 of 1)
04:07:35 Image 1 of 1 for this filter
04:07:35 Imaging to NSVS7330183-sI-S001-R012-C001-B1-E
04:07:35 (taking 60 sec. exposure, sI filter, binning = 1)
04:07:35 (using Raw readout mode)
04:07:35 (starting [RBI] + exposure)
04:08:09 [Source: ASCOM.SoftwareBisque.Telescope]
04:08:09 [GetAndFixRaDec]
04:08:09 [This is not an ACP problem]
04:08:09 **Script Error**
04:08:10 Source: ACP Observatory Control Software
04:08:10 Message: The script was interrupted before completion.
04:08:10 Location: line 1879 column 25.
I’m unsure if this is an ACP or an ASCOM SoftwareBisque driver issue. The only software changes made before the occurrences was updating Maxim DL from version 6.27 to 6.28. I don't think this is a Windows update issue. The last Windows 10 quality update was on December 16 and a MS Defender Antivirius update on January 13. I have rebooted the computer many times since those updates including a couple of times yesterday afternoon (before last night’s event). Any help in resolving this issue would most appreciated. I’ve attached the logs from both nights.