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  1. #1

    Default Unable to install PinPoint

    Hi, I've been using a very old version of PinPoint for quite some time, V5.0.3 Yesterday I bought a new license, and Bob helped me get past some problems with the "Register PinPoint" app. My new license has been successfully entered.

    However, when I download PinPoint-7.0-setup.msi and run it, it gets to nearly the end of the install and reports error code 2869, and then rolls back the install and exits.

    I've try rerunning it a few times, and downloading fresh copies of the install file, but I can't get past this point.

    If it matters, I'm running Windows 7 64-bit. I used Chrome to download the file.

    I'd appreciate any suggestions.


  2. #2


    I've made a little progress: I opened a cmd window with Admin rights, and ran the MSI script in it. This seems to let the install work, and I got a message at the end that I had been upgraded from LE to the full version.

    I tried to verify this by launching Visual Pinpoint, but nothing opens up. I even try running it with Admin permission. I am able to run the CatalogChecker.exe if I run it as Admin. I tried using MaxIm to open an image and plate solve it, but now every time I open an image in MaxIm, any image, it crashes and exits.

    Maybe if I could get Visual Pinpoint to run, that might help in other areas.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Hi Joe —- I tried to call, maybe you saw my email. First thing is to get everything out of “as Administrator”. I can’t say why you needed to resort to running the .msi out of an elevated CMD window… double-clicking the .msi should immediately result in an elevation permission Yes/No. I can’t imagine why the things that you describe(d) are happening. If you get stuck please let me log in and don’t start uninstalling/reinstalling stuff. Give me some times when I can call and log in.
    -- Bob

  4. #4


    Thank you so much for the offer to log in and help. Best for me would be Friday after 6pm CDT or anytime over the weekend. If you'd prefer to do this on a weekday, let me know and I can arrange to be available.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Hi Joe -- I try to avoid working weekends (like you presumably ha ha) and yet I worked all last weekend! I have you down for 6PM CDT Friday, but I need a good phone number. I think there's an error in the last one you gave me earlier today by email.
    -- Bob

  6. #6


    Hi Bob,
    I did an experiment this evening. I bought a new SSD for my laptop tonight (my wife is so forgiving!), and did a fresh install of Windows 7 on it. After getting all the network drivers loaded, I as able to install PinPoint fine, and even run VisualPinpoint now. Obviously there are problems w/ the software/OS on the disk I've been using. Rather than have you fix problems on my end, I'm fine with cancelling the support call tomorrow, but I really appreciate your offer. I'll spend the weekend reloading all my applications on the new disk; it won't be the first time I've have to do this.

    Thanks again for your support!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Oh thank you for letting me know Joe!! I am in the process of doing upgrades here as well, but I have to be careful :-) :-) Have a great weekend.
    -- Bob



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