I know it sounds weird but this is the 2nd time of seen this happen. When it gets in this state I have to shut everything down including the SkyRoof software and start it all back up. Then is seems to work fine. But how can it think open is closed and closed is open? This doesn't make sense. I attached the log.
021-06-29 00:55:50.3: **Dome closing when asked to open. Assuming weather closure.
2021-06-29 00:55:50.3: Weather safety is now disabled
2021-06-29 00:55:50.3: Special-needs building, run CloseSpecialRoof script to get it closed.
2021-06-29 00:55:50.3: Weather safety interrupts are still disabled.
2021-06-29 00:56:05.3: Weather safety is re-enabled
2021-06-29 00:58:05.3: but the weather remained safe for 2 minutes, something really went wrong.
2021-06-29 00:58:05.3: Weather safety is re-enabled
2021-06-29 00:58:05.3: **EXCEPTION IN SCHEDULER:
2021-06-29 00:58:05.3: **Dome failed to open for reason other than hardware weather closure
2021-06-29 00:58:05.5: Traceback:
at DC3.Scheduler.Engine.DoStartupIf(Boolean openDome)
at DC3.Scheduler.Engine.Run()