nothing in the logs that I can find here is from last night

15:49:28*1 MaxIm DL Version 6.26 exited
23:36:51*1 MaxIm DL Version 6.26 started on BBKOBSERVATORY
23:38:37*3 Connecting cameras - thread ID 12616
23:38:38$3 Connected to camera 1 "ASCOM" (CCDPlugASCOM.dll v6.24.0.0)
23:38:38$3 Connected to camera 2 "ASCOM" (CCDPlugASCOM.dll v6.24.0.0)
23:38:38$3 Connected to filter wheel 1 "ASCOM" (CCDPlugASCOM.dll v6.24.0.0)
23:39:17$3 Disconnected from filter wheel 1 "ASCOM"
23:39:17$3 Disconnected from camera 2 "ASCOM"
23:39:17$3 Disconnected from camera 1 "ASCOM"
23:39:56*3 Connecting cameras - thread ID 12616
23:39:56$3 Connected to camera 1 "ASCOM" (CCDPlugASCOM.dll v6.24.0.0)
23:39:56$3 Connected to camera 2 "ASCOM" (CCDPlugASCOM.dll v6.24.0.0)
23:39:56$3 Connected to filter wheel 1 "ASCOM" (CCDPlugASCOM.dll v6.24.0.0)
00:24:14*2 ____________ 2021-04-07 ____________
00:24:14*4 Filter wheel moving to position 0
00:25:22*4 Started 30.000s 829x829 exposure, binned 4x4, ROI (98, 98)
00:25:56*4 Completed 30.000s 829x829 exposure, binned 4x4, ROI (98, 98)
00:26:17*4 Filter wheel moving to position 1
00:26:19$5 Setting guide target
00:26:19*5 Started 3.000s 1936x1216 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (0, 0)
00:26:23$5 Guider algorithm 'Single Star' initialized
00:26:23$5 Acquiring guide target
00:26:23$5 Target not specified; performing automatic search
00:26:23$5 Target not found
00:26:23#5 Error - Could not acquire target
Could not find target star in image
Guide star not found
00:26:29$5 Setting guide target
00:26:29*5 Started 1.000s 1936x1216 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (0, 0)
00:26:30$5 Guider algorithm 'Single Star' initialized
00:26:30$5 Acquiring guide target
00:26:30$5 Target not specified; performing automatic search
00:26:30$5 Target not found
00:26:30#5 Error - Could not acquire target
Could not find target star in image
Guide star not found
00:26:38$5 Setting guide target
00:26:38*5 Started 1.000s 1936x1216 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (0, 0)
00:26:40$5 Guider algorithm 'Single Star' initialized
00:26:40$5 Acquiring guide target
00:26:40$5 Target not specified; performing automatic search
00:26:40$5 Target not found
00:26:40#5 Error - Could not acquire target
Could not find target star in image
Guide star not found
00:26:48$5 Setting guide target
00:26:48$5 Guider reference position set to (1059.00,878.00)
00:26:48$5 Guider algorithm 'Single Star' initialized
00:26:48$5 Acquiring guide target
00:26:48$5 Using target position (1059,878)
00:26:50$5 Guider Tracking Started
00:27:03*4 Started 300.000s 4096x4096 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (0, 0)
00:32:14*4 Completed 300.000s 4096x4096 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (0, 0)
00:32:17>6 Zoom to 84.09%, CCD Image 2