Quote Originally Posted by Dick Berg View Post
Hi John, Bob,

Thank you for the credit, but actually, you (Bob) wrote this display item five years ago. The code is in aaladinlite.asp. We recently talked about a different display item I wrote called "Telescope Aimpoint" that is similar to Pictorial Camera Field but instead plots the stars extracted from the currently used catalog in a 30' square FOV.

John, if the camera and telescope are connected, then Pictorial Camera Field picks up the actual camera's FOV (x-direction) and uses it to produce the image (which still will be square). That is, it will be as wide as your camera FOV is. It may not be possible to make it match the FOV in both dimensions. You can still use the mouse and mouse wheel to zoom in/out and pan. If they are not connected, then the dimensions default to 30' and you can still zoom and pan.
Thank you...Having the correct x-direction FOV is still excellent. I've included it in the main status panel through authoring.
I noticed that maximising the image to fill the panel maintains the x-axis FOV, which makes me think there is some maths magic that can be applied to the width based on the sensor ratio of width to height. Basically it is already possible to exactly mirror the sensor FOV in x and y by maximising the image (upper right max arrows) and then adjusting the browser window size - so some width/height styling to the box based on the sensor ratio might be a quick route for me to do this.

Honestly, in the scheme of things, not sure how important it is. Just find being able to see what the camera can see before starting an image run all within the browser interface is great.
