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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Virgil, NY

    Default A Windows Task Scheduler task to update the ASCOM minor planet database

    Here are the files to use for updating the Minor Planet database using Windows Task Scheduler.

    This task runs unattended. Because the process takes 5-10 minutes a command shell window has time to appear, showing the progress of the process. There are no modal dialogs and no command shell responses to deal with. The command shell window closes by itself at the end of the process. Like many other Windows-scheduled tasks, you won't know it's run unless you happen to be watching the computer monitor at the time.

    Unzip the attached file. Drop all three files (.bat, .js, and .wsf) into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ASCOM\MPCORB folder.

    In the Windows search bar type "Task Scheduler." On the right-hand panel of the Task Scheduler window, click near the top on "Create Basic Task" and follow along in each dialog. The action should be "Start a Program." There, browse for and select "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ASCOM\MPCORB\UpdateMPFile.bat". The .bat file is used because it has to run the UpdateMPFile.js script, which does all work, using "cscript." Select a time of day that suits the observing schedule.

    The Minor Planet Center ( says the comet database is updated every day at about midday UT. Daily update would be a good idea if minor planets are your thing.
    Attached Files Attached Files
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