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  1. #1

    Default New Scheduler Install

    G'day Bob, just like to say thanks again for a great piece of software - have had the ACP engine running at my observatory for a few years now and with a near 100% success rate, (then only Microsoft/driver problems) night after night it continues to work.

    Having read and looking at your videos on the Scheduler, I recently decided to purchase, mainly so that the observatory can continue to image "pretty pictures" etc. after completing photometric work.

    Install of the Scheduler 8.3 went without a hitch on my already installed 8.3 ACP engine - love the ACP Scheduler Browser and together with the IP addition, I no longer have to remote desktop into the observatory computer to check out the status of jobs.

    Again, all working smoothly and looking forward to delve into the Scheduler further, so I can lighten my workload at the end of the day!!!

    Again, many thanks for something so well thought out, Merv

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Thanks Merv!
    -- Bob



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