Not by RUN but you can use AJAX technique to directly script HTTP. I'll assume you can read and write JavaScript, so I will point you to the SampleStartupObs.js. At the end is this function to turn on Power in the NetBooter via HTTP command.
// Turn on a switch for the SynAccess NetBooter NP8
// Ref:
// NOTE: Assumes the username/password of all switches are the same
function NBPowerOn(IP, switchNumber, switchName)
// --- user config ---
var USER = "admin";
var PASS = "admin";
// -------------------
var cmdline = "$A3 " + switchNumber + " 1";
var http = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");"GET", "http://" + IP + "/cmd.cgi?" + encodeURI(cmdline), false, USER, PASS);
if(http.status == 200) {
Console.PrintLine("...powered on " + switchName);
Console.PrintLine(" " + http.responseText);
} else {
throw "** Power on failed for " + switchName + " " + http.status + " " + http.statusText;
Change cmd.cgi to status.xml and use
var cmdline = "r" + switchNumber + "=1";
Change the function name to MyHttpPowerOn or ??? and fix the descriptive comments for your future reference.
You should create a separate test script with the function and then a
function main()
and run in the ACP console. Once you have it copy MyHttpPowerOn {...} to the StartupObs and call it.