I have a newish computer . It has a solid state 138GB drive with a 1 TB standard drive.
I only use the computer for the observatory and for software related to it.
For some reason it has taken up all the 138GB
I have already moved Dropbox and Documents to the D drive and was working okay

Today I dediced to move the Public folder over to the D drive.
I went through all my files and scripts to make sure I changed the pathway names.
I also changed the pathways to the Doc Root and Logs in ACP preferences.

I tested by opening the observatory running my StartUp ops script in ACP and it worked fine.
I noticed I had to reinstall Scheduler for some reason. When enabling the Scheduler after already opening the observatory, it commented it was not set up for sky flats, and that also there was no startup script.
I also tried to do a one time skyflats through the web browser but it said "missing autoflatconfig.txt file"

I am not sure what I am missing here
