My script checks the neocp page every hour starting after its initial run (that clears the database) at 7:30pm. Sometime last night it picked up NEOCP C068621 and added it to the scheduler db. The object was moving at ~80"/min. Based on the calculated rate from find_orb the script generated a plan with 2 observations of 120, 3 second subs each. ACP was able to capture this object, and, although my residuals were higher than I would like, submitted three observations of 20 stacked images each.

Bob, this is mission accomplished!!! Daniel Parrott is working on an app called Tycho Tracker, currently, it is still a manual process to obtain observations, but he is working on automating this. At some point, we might be able to have an end to end automated acquisition and observation submission pipeline for NEOCP objects.
