This hints at a scope disconnection problem.

If you connect to your scope via USB, then ensure that the USB Selective Suspend (in Power Options) is really Disabled. I've seen at least one report of Win 10 updates resetting this to Enabled, Win 7 may have done the same, and in that case you would definitely lose USB connection at some point.

Look for electrical noise. Some USB connections are more sensitive to electrical noise than you might expect. I've had a Paramount spontaneously disconnect when a coil-style thermostat (heater for laptop) 6 feet away turned on--its sparking was enough to break USB connection by an unrelated circuit.

The other possibility is a mechanical slew problem. The error happens one second into a slew, which is very suspicious. You might look back to other errors to see if they occurred as soon as a slew started. Then it would be time to inspect horizon limits, ease of hand-slewing through all angles, etc.

I'm just surprised that TheSkyX isn't giving any error message of its own.

EDIT: Bob's and my messages crossed and are similar...great minds thinking alike and all that...