I note in your startup script that there is a commented out ('pfile') section about FocusMax being connected in the weather script. This was fixed in the template that comes with ACP 8.1. I assume you are on the current version? Anyway you might look in ACP-Weather now that you are on PWI and get rid of all logic for FocusMax.

I see you are starting APCC, then trying to connect with ACP to the AP mount. This should be enough. It should not hang in the AP driver as you describe. And actually that's not a loop, the try/catch is structured error handling. And I am assuming that you don't see "OK" being logged at that point, thus it is hanging at Telescope.Connected = true; What do you have selected in ACP (ASCOM Chooser, Telescope Menu, Setup...) for the telescope. Maybe take a screen shot (use the Windows snipping tool). Let's try to zero in on this:

  1. Start the APCC software
  2. Wait 5 seconds
  3. Telescope.Connected = true in ACP

Fails, stuck when ACP calls Telescope.Connected. Do I understand this correctly?