Thank you for your suggestions, Colin. You were right, the Fixdcom did not fix everything. I had to go in and do the manual Workaround as well for other components. It is now about 90% fixed--ACP connects to the telescope and the computer now shuts down clean as well!! Now, I have a new problem after this fix with The SkyPlan Capture. I was encouraged this evening so I tried to do my first automated ACP run. Well, this is what happened: I opened up The SkyCapture Plan and then clicked on the control window where it states "Click here then click on object in the sky." The SkyClick window appeared with the following error: "Run-time error 91 Object variable or with block variable not set." What is this all about? I went back to see if I changed all the necessary components to "Call." It appears that I did. So, what is the problem now? Is The SkyPlan Capture hiding under some other name that I do not recognize in the DCOMCNFG? I am using The SkyX. Thanks again. At least I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel now.