The Pier-Tech control has hardware switches to close on bad weather (from the cloud sensor). But, it may lower the pier and close the roof without parking the scope. Could be bad.

It has a sensor for the pier being parked, but if there is a power loss, maybe the pier will not park... According to Vito you are royally screwed then in any case, except with an alternative power supply.

Seems like the park requires ACP to be intact and operating, or maybe is there some way for the A-P mount to default to park under certain circumstances using APCC. Not obvious to me.

Upshot is that if ACP goes down and the mechanical controller from Pier-Tech requires the scope to be parked, the roof will not close.

I am currently running in an always safe to close roof configuration, but want to expand the envelope by being able to raise the pier.

Nothing is simple.