
We have been doing more autoflats (panel inside observatory dome shell) recently. A pattern has developed (actually, now noticed) that is specific to the autoflat process.
The telescope controller continually throws an error (as reported by ACP) that a rotator (drive motor) is not enabled.

The funny thing is that the autoflat routine often succeeds and then this error comes up. Once the telescope is sent to the proper position (and the dome is properly positioned) I would not expect any more talking to the telescope controller. However... I looked closely at panel autoflat.vbs code and find this:

bWasCA = Util.ConsistentApproachEnabled ' Remember current CA state
If bWasCA Then
Console.PrintLine "Disabling consistent approach slewing"
Util.ConsistentApproachEnabled = False ' Turn off CA
End If
iPrevSettle = Telescope.SlewSettleTime ' Remember current slew settle Time
If iPrevSettle > 0 Then
Console.PrintLine "Reducing slew settle time to 0 sec."
Telescope.SlewSettleTime = 0
End If

The adjustment of "slewsettletime" seems odd since the telescope isn't moving after the telescope is in position? I wonder if this stuff is related to my issue (maybe being misinterpreted by the telescope drive/controller).
The error is often repeatable... any help in tracking it down would be appreciated.
