This script submitted to AcquireImages
ran OK for 12 images...

#repeat 50
#count 1
#interval 600
#binning 1
M13 16 41 42 36 27 39

Then on the 13th image it did this:

09:01:21 Target is now centered.
09:01:21 [flip check: Tn=900s HAc=9815s GW=T HAz=10721s DWz=T WF=no]
09:01:21 (long exp(s) or requested, no orbital tracking, trying to autoguide)
09:01:30 (guide star SNR=12.3 X=98 Y=17)
09:01:30 (initial exposure interval 1.22)
09:01:38 (guide star SNR=3.8 X=99 Y=16)
09:01:38 (final exposure interval 0.97)
09:01:45 (guide star SNR=3.4 X=99 Y=15)
09:01:46 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)**
09:01:46 Source: MaxIm DL 6
09:01:46 Message: Bad input parameter
09:01:46 Location: line 1708 column 29.
ACP console log closed 16-Jun-2016 09:01:47 UTC

SUB-PUZZLES: Which routine put out the Script Error message?
ACP, AcquireImages.js, AcquireSupport.wsc, Maxim DL?
I cannot find it.

Who stopped the tracking?

What was the "Bad Input parameter" and which routine was it sent to?
Did Maxim DL output the "Bad Input parameter" message ?

Location: Line 1708 column 29... Of what routine?
Line 1708 of AcquireImages.js is: if(!SUP.AutoGuide(true))
So "true" is a bad input parameter?

Without more specific information, I don't know how
to correct this problem or know if it will happen again...


While shooting M13 using 2400 second shots

05:44:14 [flip check: Tn=2700s HAc=-2512s GW=F HAz=192s DWz=T WF=YES]
05:44:14 (GEM must flip before next operation)
05:44:14 [FPw=0s FPe=0s HAt=-2508s PFM=300s
05:44:14 (waiting 2809 sec to pass flip limit)
05:44:14 (wait ends at 06:31:03 UTC)
05:44:14 (turning tracking off)
06:06:06 [Source: ACP]
06:06:06 [Overflow]
06:06:06 [This is not an ACP problem]
06:06:11 **Script Error**
06:06:11 Source: ACP
06:06:11 Message: The script was aborted.
06:06:11 Location: line 2962 column 5.
ACP console log closed 14-Jun-2016 06:06:13 UTC


I cannot find the text "HARDWARE OR DRIVER ERROR" anywhere
using complete text search of ALL files on my computer... Who
issues this? ACP, AcquireImages.js, AcquireSupport.wsc, Maxim DL?
Says the source is ACP...
What "overflow"...
How do I know this is "not an ACP problem?" What subsystem
puts out that statement and how does it know whose problem it isn't?
Who puts out "Script Error"? Cannot find that string anywhere.
"06:06:11 Location: line 2962 column 5" is apparently
AcquireImages.js in routine "TrackOffWaitFor(seconds)"
Is 2809 seconds too long to wait? I have since inserted
code to break up the waiting into 5 minutes segments. But
I don't know if that is really required... Here is my patch
in AcquireImages.js:

// ===================
//HCA COMMENT OUT TrackOffWaitFor(z); // Wait with tracking off
// ===================

//HCA PATCH to fix some sort of time-out problem "[**HARDWARE OR DRIVER ERROR**]"
//Guessing that 49 minute wait screws something up. Wait in 5 minute increments...
var z2 = z;
var z3 = 600;

while(z2 > 0) {
Voice.Speak("Waiting " + z3 + "seconds");
Voice.Speak(z2 + "Seconds remaining");
z2 = z2-600;
if(z2 < 600) z3 = z2;

//HCA PATCH END to fix some sort of time-out problem


On 19 June 2016 while shooting M8. Worked
ok for a few images then this:

11:13:56 === Starting target repeat 8 of 8 ===
11:13:58 Do periodic or plan-start auto-focus...
11:13:58 [flip check: Tn=600s HAc=13544s GW=T HAz=14148s DWz=T WF=no]
11:13:59 (stopping the autoguider)
11:14:01 (AF will use Raw readout mode)
11:14:01 Starting FocusMax AcquireStar autofocus...
11:14:58 [Source: ASCOM.Utilities]
11:14:58 [Timed out waiting for received data]
11:14:58 [This is not an ACP problem]
11:15:03 **Script Error**
11:15:03 Source: ACP
11:15:03 Message: The script was aborted.
11:15:03 Location: line 1598 column 33.
ACP console log closed 19-Jun-2016 11:15:14 UTC


Who is "waiting for received data?"
How can I fix this without knowing what really happened?

Congratulations on none of these problems being
ACP problems per se. :-) However, that doesn't help
much... :-)

Any insight regarding the origin of
[**HARDWARE OR DRIVER ERROR**] messages would
be GREATLY appreciated.

